Sunday, January 17, 2010

Swiss Buttercream

I am ashamed to say that yesterday I baked a cake mix cake: Fun-fetti flavor. But, I can proudly say that I made my own icing: Swiss buttercream icing.

This icing was a bit more difficult to make than my regular confectioner's sugar blend. However, it was well worth it. It wasn't overly sweet as many icings tend to be and it had a nice smooth and spreadable consistency.

Note: This icing is not very sweet. It would be better on a cake with a sweetened fruit filling.
I went a bit crazy decorating this cake, so that is why in the pictures it looks as if a clown sneezed on it. Sorry. I promise to make a nice respectable looking cake in the future.

Swiss Buttercream
* This recipe is taken from one of my favorite food blogs smittenkitchen

For a 9-inch cake
1 cup sugar
4 large egg whites
26 tablespoons butter, softened (3 sticks plus 2 tablespoons)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Whisk egg whites and sugar together in a big metal bowl over a pot of simmering water. Whisk occasionally until you can’t feel the sugar granules when you rub the mixture between your fingers.

Transfer mixture into the mixer and whip until it turns white and about doubles in size.
Add the vanilla.

Finally, add the butter a stick at a time and whip, whip, whip.

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